silver plating services
We are a silver plating company that provides plating services that fit all your specifications, while offering fast turnaround on orders. Silver coatings are often used for soluble surfaces and electrical contacts because of their excellent anti-galling properties. Many industries benefit from this highly conductive material, using it in electronics, on high voltage transformers and also in the automotive industry. We provide both bright silver plating services and matte finish silver plating services for most metals including stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron and cast aluminum to all specs.
silver plating is available on:
- QQ-S-365 Type I Grade B
- AMS 2412
- ASTM-B700
Baking and Heat Treatments
Embrittlement Relief and other treatments are available upon request.
Available Testing, Measurements, and Certifications
Certifications are available when requested on Purchase Order. Finished goods will be returned in same containers they originally shipped in, unless otherwise mentioned on Purchase Order. Some of the options below may include a fee. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
adhesion testing – Tape test, blend test, scribe test and thermal shock test.
corrosion testing – Salt spray, nitric acid and humidity steam.
solderability testing